Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Playing Critic For the Day

Take a Look, Did You See That? 

The most effective aspect of this poster is the stark contrast of the red tickets located directly in the center which signifies as the purpose of the poster being for a film festival. The use of movie tickets as the focal point of the poster draws the attention to what would have been an otherwise bland poster. Coupling the heart shape of the tickets, the color of red symbolizing love, and the quote at the top that states "All you need is film" allows one to draw the conclusion that the film festival being advertised is about romance movies. The use of multiple sized fonts and various colors indicates the larger sized words hold more importance than the smaller words, and the words highlighted in red are what the artist wanted the public to pay attention to more. The off white color of the background makes the poster look like it has been posted for a long time and subject to dirt or dust.
If you've lived under a rock for your entire life, then you wouldn't know the symbol on this poster was for The Rolling Stone's if you hadn't of looked at the black text covering the lip symbol. For the rest of the world, viewing this poster would be an automatic giveaway to exactly what is being advertised on this poster, a Rolling Stones concert. The varying sizes of each letter and the way they are placed into columns lets the red lips and tongue in the background play equal parts in grabbing a viewers attention. The black text is also slightly opaque so the view of the red lips is not completely lost behind it. The vertical and sideways text of the location of the concert allows the title and logo to take a visual center stage. The background of this poster is an off white color which gives the poster a vintage vibe, where a stark white background would make the black and red too harsh. The off-white color mellows the whole poster out.
The large sized fonts that bring to attention all of the most important pieces of information on the poster such as who is performing, when, and where bounce the viewers eyes around so that each aspect of the poster is seen. The background indicates a musical performance will take place through the use of guitar and keyboard icons which further help highlight the fact that the poster is for a concert. This poster uses a bottle of hot sauce as the focal point, which is contrast with the colors that are used for the rest of the background. There is a small hand that points to the words "In Person" which draws attention to that phrase as being something people should remember. The design elements used in the poster exude a rock and roll, crazy eager event and also give off a patriotic feel with the use of the white starts and the red and blue colors.

These Ones Missed the Mark a Little.

Where to begin with this poster? Lets just work our way down this craziness. First, the eye is drawn to the word Zac Brown Band in the bandana(?), so it would be normal to assume this poster was for a Zac Brown Band concert. When you let your eyes wander a little you also begin to see the names of about 30 various artists, some too illegible to read because of the wacky fonts. When your eyes reach the bottom of the poster it is then introduced that the poster is for a southern music and food festival, something that should be brought into a more focal point instead of as an afterthought on the bottom. The purpose of the poster would be better suited in place of the Zac Brown Band at the top of the page or even in the mouth of the skulls head would be a better place than located at the bottom. The 30 or so artists are squeezed in every corner of the skull that can possibly fit a name which one, makes it hard to see because of the small font size, and two, there is so much information to digest atoll clustered together at once that it overwhelms the viewer. The font size makes it difficult to read even the larger words as well. Lastly, nothing about this poster exudes food besides the fork in the hand of the skeleton which just seems as an afterthought due to the rest of the poster being focused on music.  
The poster has a psychedelic feel that would stand out amongst other posters if it wasn't ruined with the almost illegible text. The words in the banjo all string together even though they are in different colors and various sizes because the shapes of the letters are so distorted. The visual hierarchy would work well if the writing was clear. Also, the time and place of the event seem like an after thought that was just thrown at the bottom of the poster. The text is in extremely small plain font that does not pop against the background. The girl in the background and the array of colors is a strong attribute of this poster that is lost in the poor choice of text fonts and placements.
The poster has no visual qualities that should signify this as a Beatles concert. The grayish background gives the entire poster a boring, bland look that is egged on by the use of plain black text. Also, the text is not switched up much and gives the poster a monotonous feel. The image used in the photo looks like it was exposed to light and is washed out with continues to complete the boring and sad vibe of the poster. The Beatles were an iconic band and this poster says the complete opposite of that. The tour dates are so miniscule, they have become illegible. The design elements were not thought of in this poster whatsoever because nothing about this would draw in a viewers eye. If some of the text was enlarged and switched to a more festive font, as well as an introduction of color, it would change the feel of the poster.

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